Idaho Innovation

Each spring and fall, I run a workshop for entrepreneurs, and over the last two days, I’ve had the chance to meet people with big ideas who want to change the world. It’s so inspiring to be in the room with folks who believe they can turn their dreams into thriving businesses.

We want Idaho to be a place that helps people with a vision add to our state’s legacy. Just think about the great businesses that started in Idaho.

Simplot. Micron. Albertsons.

And that doesn’t even begin to touch on the multi-generational family firms that maybe employ only a few dozen people, but play a central role in their communities.

We are a state of entrepreneurs, and we need to ensure that we continue to support initiatives that drive innovation. For example, Idaho’s process to set up an LLC is so straightforward, it took me about a week to set up my consulting firm in 2007 and start functioning as a legal business.

A friend who lives in New York shared that she had to jump through several more hoops, including publishing public notices, before she could complete her LLC filing. It took her close to three months and came with additional expenses.

I love living in Idaho! Because of wise stewardship from prior leaders, I’ve fulfilled my goals of starting a business while also helping manage my family’s farm. Let’s keep working together to ensure the next generation has similar opportunities.